Cursuri germana in Sector 2 / Bucuresti
Alfabetic (A-Z)
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- Alfabetic (A-Z)
- Alfabetic (Z-A)
Centrul de limbi straine Fides
Bd. Hristo Botev Nr. 1, et. 1 (Pta. Rosetti / Metrou Pta. Universitatii)
021 / 313.47.45 / 313.47.85 / 313.47.86
021 / 313.47.45 / 313.47.85 / 313.47.86
Knwlgedoe wants to be free, just like these articles!. Knwlgedoe wants to be free, just like these articles!
Crystal Mind Academy
Str. Luncsoara nr. 14, parter, ap. 3 - interfon 000
0723 428 306 / 0720 546 972
0723 428 306 / 0720 546 972
Euro Langue
strada Popa Petre, nr. .28, ap.2
00 40 (21) 211 04 82
00 40 (21) 211 04 82
Goethe-Institut Bucureşti
Str. Tudor Arghezi 8-10
+40 21 3119762, +40 21 3119782, +40 21 3120231
+40 21 3119762, +40 21 3119782, +40 21 3120231